2008년 8월 7일 목요일

emacs 에서 Ctrl + TAB 으로 버퍼 전환 하기

원문 : http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/ControlTABbufferCycling

.emacs 파일에 아래의 내용을 추가 하면 된다.

;; Support functions for `stesla-rotate-buffers'. From the EmacsWiki.
 (defvar stesla-hated-buffers '("KILL" "*Apropos*" "*Completions*" "*grep*"
".newsrc-dribble" ".bbdb" "sent-mail" "*vc*"
"*Compile-Log*" "*Help*" "*Messages*"))
 (defvar stesla-hated-buffer-regexps '("^ " "*Buffer" "^\\*trace" "^\\*tramp"))
 (setq iswitchb-buffer-ignore (append stesla-hated-buffer-regexps  stesla-hated-buffers))
 (defmacro stesla-buffer-regexp-mapcar (regexp buffers)
"Find BUFFERS whose name matches REGEXP"
`(mapcar (lambda (this-buffer)
(if (string-match ,regexp (buffer-name this-buffer))
,(if (symbolp buffers) (symbol-value buffers) buffers)))
 (defmacro stesla-hated-buffer-from-regexps (regexps)
"Generate a one-dimensional list of buffers that match REGEXPS"
(mapcar (lambda (regexp)
`(delete nil (stesla-buffer-regexp-mapcar ,regexp
(if (symbolp regexps) (symbol-value regexps) regexps))))
 (defun stesla-delete-from-list (delete-these from-list)
((car delete-these)
(if (member (car delete-these) from-list)
(stesla-delete-from-list (cdr delete-these)
(delete (car delete-these) from-list))
(stesla-delete-from-list (cdr delete-these) from-list)))
(t from-list)))
 (defun stesla-hated-buffers ()
"List of buffers I never want to see."
(delete nil
(mapcar 'get-buffer stesla-hated-buffers)
(stesla-hated-buffer-from-regexps stesla-hated-buffer-regexps))))
 ;; `stesla-rotate-buffers': Like `bury-buffer' but with the capability to
;; exclude certain specified buffers.
 (defun stesla-rotate-buffers (&optional n)
"Switch to the Nth next buffer. Negative arguments move backwards."
(unless n
(setq n 1))
(let ((my-buffer-list
(stesla-delete-from-list (stesla-hated-buffers)
(buffer-list (selected-frame)))))
(if (< n 0)
(nth (+ (length my-buffer-list) n)
(nth n my-buffer-list)))))
 ;; Windows-style C-TAB and C-M-TAB to switch buffers.
 (global-set-key (kbd "C-") 'stesla-rotate-buffers)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-") (lambda ()
(stesla-rotate-buffers -1)))
 ;; This is C-TAB and C-M-TAB for the Linux console.  This requires special
;; setup; namely, you need to load a keymap file with /usr/bin/loadkeys
;; containing the following lines:
;; control keycode 15 = Macro
;; control alt keycode 15 = Pause
;; If you actually -have- a key that generates the Macro or Pause keysyms, you
;; have a better keyboard than I. For me, this makes Emacs DWIW. Credit for
;; this hack goes to Alex Schroeder.
 (global-set-key (kbd "ESC [ M") 'stesla-rotate-buffers)
(global-set-key (kbd "ESC [ P") (lambda ()
(stesla-rotate-buffers -1)))

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